On May 12, 1966, 2nd Lt. Capel was killed in action while leading his 14 man patrol to search for a lost patrol that had been sent out into the field earlier that morning and had gone missing. While leading his men, they were ambushed by a large force of Viet Cong in Quang Nam, South Vietnam, leaving only two survivors by feigning death who were rescued by marine reinforcements. 2nd Lt. Capel received a Purple Heart.

The Hitter Club Jersey
To become a member, a player had to demonstrate elite traits in the likeness of Bruce Capel, earned by exemplifying the HITTERS CREED, and would be awarded this coveted "I AM A HITTER" jersey to wear during practice. Coach Duchon personally awarded them in ceremony, in the locker room in front of the team and coaches. No one else. In the company of brothers.
“Bruce has always been a symbol to all football players of Glenbard West. His memory will always be an inspiration to all of us who have and will participate in High School football. He represents all of the qualities that we would like to believe that we stand for. He was to us a man among men – aggressive and confident, humble yet proud, forceful yet understanding.
– Co-Captains of the 1965 Glenbard West Football Team
*** MEMORIES ***